The supercritical question for pyroclastic dune bedforms: An overview

Ventra, Dario
Sedimentary structures deposited from dilute pyroclastic currents are largely dominated by the products of metre‐scale dune bedforms containing backset lamination. Since the first seminal works in the 1970s, the vast majority of the literature called these structures antidunes and chutes‐and‐pools. This consensus led to a loose terminology, either as descriptive terms for structures containing backset beds or as an interpretation of hydrodynamic conditions related to Froude‐supercritical flows. Here, the main characteristics of pyroclastic dune bedforms are summarized and classified under four categories. The literature is examined and a discussion is provided regarding a possible interpretation in terms of supercritical‐flow bedforms, including antidunes, chutes‐and‐pools and cyclic steps. The interpretation of pyroclastic dune bedforms as related to supercritical conditions is a possibility among others, yet open questions remain, and under the present state of knowledge alternative interpretations are equally valid. There is consensus that an interpretation of pyroclastic dune bedforms as related to supercritical flows implies deposition from a basal underflow supporting an internal free‐surface formed at a density interface within the overall current structure. Antidunes are likely to be limited to low‐angle, incipient bedforms. Chutes‐and‐pools may occur in the form of series of steep truncations formed by an erosive supercritical ‘chute’, with a depositional signature occurring exclusively in the subcritical ‘pool’ of a Froude jump. Rare examples of cyclic steps may be found as large‐scale undulations with superimposed metre‐scale bedforms, or for short‐scale, fully‐aggrading structures in periodic trains. Additionally, some pyroclastic bedforms may be formed by granular flows passing granular Froude jumps or as frozen granular stationary waves. The dominance of chute‐and‐pool structures over bedforms characterized by relatively more stable morphodynamics (antidunes and cyclic steps) could be the likely result of pulsating flow conditions and abrupt high‐rate deposition, impeding stable flow conditions. In a majority of cases, the growth of pyroclastic bedforms appears triggered by the influence of an inherited bed topography and by bed‐flow feedback effects. Apart from a possible interpretation as supercritical bedforms, other specific dynamics of dilute pyroclastic currents may well explain the characteristics of pyroclastic dune bedform structures. In particular, the inherent turbulence fluctuations, internal organization and highly depositional dynamics may be key to the formation of pyroclastic dune bedforms. In this respect, rather than solely focusing on the Froude dimensionless number of the formative current, theoretical considerations accounting for the Reynolds, Richardson and Rouse dimensionless parameters may be also implemented for the understanding of pyroclastic bedforms.
dune bedform
pyroclastic density currents