The transpressional connection between Dom Feliciano and Kaoko Belts at 580–550 Ma

Oyhantçabal, Pedro
Siegesmund, Siegfried
Wemmer, Klaus ORCIDiD
Passchier, Cees ORCIDiD

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Oyhantçabal, Pedro; Siegesmund, Siegfried; Wemmer, Klaus; Passchier, Cees, 2010: The transpressional connection between Dom Feliciano and Kaoko Belts at 580–550 Ma. In: International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100, 2/3, 379-390, DOI: 


A new U–Pb SHRIMP age of 551 ± 4 Ma on a mylonitic porphyry that intruded into the Sierra Ballena Shear Zone (Southernmost Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay) and a review of relevant published data make possible a more refined correlation and reconstruction of Brasiliano/Pan-African transpressional events. Paleogeographic reconstruction, kinematics and timing of events indicate a connection between the shear systems of the Dom Feliciano and Kaoko Belts at 580–550 Ma. Sinistral transpression recorded in shear zones accommodates deformation subsequent to collision between the Congo and Río de la Plata Cratons. The correlation is strengthened by the similarity of magmatic and metamorphic ages in the Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt and the Punta del Este Terrane of the Dom Feliciano Belt. This post-collisional sinistral transpression brought these units near to their final position in Gondwana and explains the different evolution at 550–530 Ma. While in the Kaoko Belt, an extensional episode resulted in exhumation as a consequence of collision in the Damara Belt, in the Dom Feliciano Belt, sinistral transpression occurred associated with the closure of the southern Adamastor Ocean due to Kalahari-Río de la Plata collision.
