Evolution of Rift Systems and Their Fault Networks in Response to Surface Processes

Neuharth, Derek ORCIDiD
Brune, Sascha ORCIDiD
Wrona, Thilo ORCIDiD
Glerum, Anne ORCIDiD
Braun, Jean ORCIDiD
Yuan, Xiaoping ORCIDiD

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021TC007166
Persistent URL: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/9997
Neuharth, Derek; Brune, Sascha; Wrona, Thilo; Glerum, Anne; Braun, Jean; Yuan, Xiaoping, 2022: Evolution of Rift Systems and Their Fault Networks in Response to Surface Processes. In: Tectonics, 41, 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021TC007166. 
Brune, Sascha; 1 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany
Wrona, Thilo; 1 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany
Glerum, Anne; 1 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany
Braun, Jean; 1 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany
Yuan, Xiaoping; 1 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany


Continental rifting is responsible for the generation of major sedimentary basins, both during rift inception and during the formation of rifted continental margins. Geophysical and field studies revealed that rifts feature complex networks of normal faults but the factors controlling fault network properties and their evolution are still matter of debate. Here, we employ high‐resolution 2D geodynamic models (ASPECT) including two‐way coupling to a surface processes (SP) code (FastScape) to conduct 12 models of major rift types that are exposed to various degrees of erosion and sedimentation. We further present a novel quantitative fault analysis toolbox (Fatbox), which allows us to isolate fault growth patterns, the number of faults, and their length and displacement throughout rift history. Our analysis reveals that rift fault networks may evolve through five major phases: (a) distributed deformation and coalescence, (b) fault system growth, (c) fault system decline and basinward localization, (d) rift migration, and (e) breakup. These phases can be correlated to distinct rifted margin domains. Models of asymmetric rifting suggest rift migration is facilitated through both ductile and brittle deformation within a weak exhumation channel that rotates subhorizontally and remains active at low angles. In sedimentation‐starved settings, this channel satisfies the conditions for serpentinization. We find that SP are not only able to enhance strain localization and to increase fault longevity but that they also reduce the total length of the fault system, prolong rift phases and delay continental breakup.

Plain Language Summary: Continental rifting is responsible for breaking apart continents and forming new oceans. Rifts generally evolve according to three types: wide rift, symmetric rift, and asymmetric rifts, which also shape the final geometry of the continental rifted margin. Geophysical data shows that the evolution of rifts depends on a multitude of factors including the complex interactions between fault networks that accommodate extension and the processes of erosion and sediment deposition. Here we run 2D computer simulations to investigate fault network evolution during active rifting that include changes to the surface through erosion and sedimentation. By using a new python tool box, we extract the fault network from the simulation and determine individual fault properties like the number of faults, displacement, age, and length through time. We find that regardless of the rift type, rifts evolve according to five phases that can be assessed through the evolution of the fault network properties. Additionally, we find that greater erosion and sedimentation can prolong rift phases and delay the breakup of continents.

Key Points:

We apply a new fault analysis toolbox to coupled numerical models of tectonics and surface processes.

Fault network evolution of the major symmetric, asymmetric, narrow, and wide rift types can be described in five distinct phases.

Surface processes reduce fault network complexity and delay breakup by enhancing strain localization and increasing fault longevity.
