Modelling the Earth's magnetic field of magnetospheric origin from CHAMP data
As observed on the Earth's surface, the magnetic field can be separated into three components: The "Main Field", the "Crustal Field"; and the "External Magnetic Field". This work concentrates on the magnetospheric current systems, in order to correct the effect of large-scale magnetospheric current systems. Their exact knowledge is vital to improve the main field and secular variation models. Spherical harmonic analysis (SHA) is commonly used to describe the magnetic field. In SHA it is possible to distinguish between internal and external contributions to the Earth's magnetic field. The spherical harmonic coefficients describe dipolar, quadrupolar and higher parts in spherical coordinates. Here, CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload) measurements are used. Due to the inclination CHAMP is changing the orbit in local time. From time to time CHAMP is flying in resonance with the Earth's rotation, i.e. the satellite is flying over the same ground track after a couple of days. To model changes during a period of a few days these so called "repeat tracks" are very helpful for an improved main field/external field model. On the Earth's surface the magnetic effect of magnetospheric currents is often characterised by the DST-indix. In this study, it is explained how a possible constitution of the external sources of the geomagnetic field can look like and how the effect of these magnetospheric currents can be corrected in main field modelling.