Global Radioxenon Emission Inventory from Nuclear Power Plants for the Calendar Year 2014

Tatlisu, Halit
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Tatlisu, Halit; Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty Organization, Provisional Technical Secretariat, VIC, Vienna, Austria
For the purpose of monitoring for compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the International Monitoring System (IMS) is being established that includes 40 sensor systems for atmospheric xenon radioactivity. Its purpose is to monitor the atmosphere for signatures that may indicate a nuclear explosion. Normal operational releases of radioxenon from nuclear facilities can regularly be observed by these very high-sensitive noble gas systems. Existing best estimates of releases for a generic year are unlikely to apply for any specific year at the level of individual facilities because their releases are highly variable and can change by several orders of magnitude from year to year. In this paper, best knowledge of the radioxenon emission inventory from nuclear power plants (NPPs) is collected for the calendar year 2014. The distribution function for each CTBT relevant radioxenon isotope is derived from all releases from NPPs as reported for 2014. The data of this paper can be used for developing and validating methods based on atmospheric transport modelling that are designed to enhance understanding of the impact of known sources on the IMS background observations.