Core surface flow models from decadal and subdecadal secular variation of the main geomagnetic field
The main objective of this thesis is an investigation and description of the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field between 1980 and 2000. In particular, in the first part of this study the phenomenon of geomagnetic jerks are investigated by means of a deterministic model, which basically gives a description of the secular variation as a parameterization of typical periodicities of the external field. I argue that the conclusion drawn from this approach is not valid for explaining jerks as caused by external events and not valid to describe the global secular variation. In the second part a time--dependent model of the secular variation between 1980 and 2000 is developed. The endpoints of the time interval were chosen, because of the availability of high quality field models from satellite data for these epochs. The Gauss coefficients are expanded in time as function of cubic B--splines. This model is forced to fit field models from high quality vector measurements from MAGSAT in 1980 and OERSTED in 2000. The methodology is new. The model is a valuable extension of the hitherto existing time--dependent description of the secular variation, the GUFM which was valid until 1990. Unlike GUFM the model is based on observatory monthly means, and the knot spacing of the cubic B--Splines tighter than GUFM. Therefore it reveals a short term secular variation on subdecadal time scale, which was not as yet resolved. The model is also valuable to test the frozen flux hypothesis and to link some of the morphology of the radial field at the core--mantle boundary to the geodynamo. The third part of this thesis deals with the inversion of the time--dependent field and secular variation model for different kinds of core surface flow ...