H2O in omphacite of quartz and coesite eclogite from Erzgebirge and Fichtelgebirge, Germany
Schmädicke, Esther

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12642
Persistent URL: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/9977
Major and trace elements in omphacite, including hydrogen, were determined in eclogites from two Variscan basement complexes in Germany: Erzgebirge (EG) and Fichtelgebirge (FG). Erzgebirge eclogite is derived from three units, showing different peak pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions (Unit 1: 840–920°C/≥30 kbar, Unit 2: 670–730°C/24–26 kbar, Unit 3: 600–650°C/20–22 kbar). The peak conditions of FG eclogite (690–750°C/25–28 kbar) resemble those of EG Unit 2. Coesite eclogite occurs in EG Unit 1, and quartz eclogite in all other units. Omphacite from all samples shows four infrared (IR) absorption bands. Two prominent, sharp bands occur at 3,455 ± 10 cm−1 (band II) and 3,522 ± 10 cm−1 (band III). Band II is usually more prominent than band III, except for few samples with low jadeite content. A further, broad band is centred between 3,270 and 3,370 cm−1 (band I) and a fourth, minor band at 3,611–3,635 cm−1 (band IV). Bands II and III are due to hydrogen bound as structural OH− ions in omphacite. In most cases, this also applies to band IV. However, some spectra with extremely large type IV bands reflect phengite inclusions. The ambiguous band I may be due to different H2O species (molecular water, structural OH, and water in phengite). Omphacite of quartz eclogite has lower contents of TiO2, Zr, Hf, and REE, compared with that from coesite eclogite. By contrast, omphacite in quartz eclogite from both EG (H2O sample averages: 465–852 ppm) and FG (546–1,089 ppm) contains the same amount of structural OH (concentrations given in wt.‐ppm H2O) as omphacite in coesite eclogite (492–1,140 ppm). The obtained difference in the garnet‐omphacite H2O partition coefficient between quartz (0.01–0.03) and coesite eclogite (0.08–0.11) results from different H2O contents in garnet (coesite eclogite: 50–150 ppm; quartz eclogite: <2–50 ppm; Gose & Schmädicke, 2018). The total content of structural OH in omphacite is unrelated to its major and trace element composition. However, treating the individual IR bands separately, a relation between OH and mineral composition is observed. The OH amount defined by band II is positively correlated to Ti and tetrahedral Al, and that of band III shows a positive correlation with Ca and a negative one with Na (and jadeite). Both the total OH content of omphacite and the partial contents deduced from individual IR bands are unrelated to PT conditions. This implies that omphacite incorporated its structural H2O mainly in the quartz stability field, presumably during initial omphacite growth. Conversely, most OH in garnet was derived from the final breakdown of the last remaining calcic amphibole close to or within the coesite stability field. Our data suggest that coesite eclogite is able to transport a significant amount of H2O (average 550 ppm, maximum 730 ppm), corresponding to that in 3–4 vol.% calcic amphibole, via subduction to depths beyond 100 km. However, the majority of water liberated by dehydration reactions during subduction, including the breakdown of 5–10 vol.% eclogite facies and >10 vol.% pre‐eclogitic hydrous minerals, is not preserved in eclogite but liberated to the mantle wedge.