Impact of MnO2 on the efficiency of metallic iron for the removal of dissolved CrVI, CuII, MoVI, SbV, UVI and ZnII

Btatkeu, K.B.D.
Tchatchueng, J.B.
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The idea that manganese oxide (MnO2) sustains the reactivity of metallic iron (Fe0) is investigated in this study. A multi-elemental aqueous system containing CrVI, CuII, MoVI, SbV, UVI, and ZnII (each about 100 μM) was used as model solution. Non-disturbed batch experiments were performed at initial pH values 4.0 and 6.0 for one month. Three different systems were investigated: (i) MnO2 alone, (ii) “Fe0 + sand”, and (iii) “Fe0 + MnO2”. The experimental vessels contained either: (i) no material (blank), (ii) up to 9.0 g/L of MnO2, or (iii) 5 g/L Fe0 and 0 to 9.0 g/L MnO2 or sand. Results clearly revealed quantitative contaminant removal (> 70 %) confirming the suitability of Fe0 as a highly efficient reactive material for the removal of the 6 tested metallic ions over a pH range applicable to environmental waters. Results also corroborated the suitability of MnO2 to sustain the long-term Fe0 reactivity. Further studies in dynamic systems (column studies) are necessary to fine-tune the use of MnO2 in Fe0 filtration systems.