Reprocessing of the hessian DEKORP seismic profiles

Homuth, Benjamin
Bär, Kristian ORCIDiD
Weinert, Sebastian
Stiller, Manfred

Homuth, Benjamin; Bär, Kristian; Weinert, Sebastian; Stiller, Manfred, 2021: Reprocessing of the hessian DEKORP seismic profiles. DOI: 


As part of the German continental seismic reflection program (Deutsches Kontinentales Reflexionsseismisches Programm, DEKORP), three large seismic traverses (with the sub-profiles: DEKORP'84-2S and '86-2N; DEKORP'88-9N; DEKORP'90-3A and '90-3B) were measured in the state of Hesse in Germany. The main research topic of DEKORP were deep seismic studies to investigate the lithospheric structure beneath Germany. Thus, for acquisition, strong sources were used to image in these depths, resulting in an excellent S/N ratio, but the main focus was not on the uppermost kilometres. From today's perspective, however, this depth range is of great interest for a wide range of possible technical applications (including medium-deep and deep geothermal projects). The DEKORP profiles cover approx. 450 km in the state of Hesse and mostly cross areas where only insufficient geological data exist (i.e. only few deep boreholes). In order to close or reduce these knowledge gaps, these DEKORP lines were reprocessed in 2019/20. The focus of the reprocessing was on improving the resolution / mapping of geological structures down to a depth of 6 km (approx. 3 s TWT) to describe the prolongation of faults and geological structures in more detail than in previous studies. Nevertheless, deeper structures were also reinterpreted and compared to previous interpretations. The results were directly incorporated into the new geological 3D model of the state of Hesse, developed by the Technical University of Darmstadt (Hessen3D 2.0, BMWi-FKZ: 0325944). In order to achieve these goals and in view of the fact that today's processing methods have improved considerably compared to the 1990‘s, a state-of-the-art reprocessing was applied for all DEKORP profiles traversing the state of Hesse. In comparison to the original processing, additional processing steps like CRS instead of CDP stacking, turning-ray tomography and prestack depth migration were carried out. We present exemplary results of the reprocessing as well as initial geological reinterpretations for the profile DEKORP'88-9N.