A New Look at the Daily Cycle of Trade Wind Cumuli

Vial, Jessica ORCIDiD
Vogel, Raphaela
Bony, Sandrine ORCIDiD
Stevens, Bjorn ORCIDiD
Winker, David M. ORCIDiD
Cai, Xia ORCIDiD
Hohenegger, Cathy ORCIDiD
Naumann, Ann Kristin ORCIDiD
Brogniez, Hélène ORCIDiD

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001746
Persistent URL: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/9482
Vial, Jessica; Vogel, Raphaela; Bony, Sandrine; Stevens, Bjorn; Winker, David M.; Cai, Xia; Hohenegger, Cathy; Naumann, Ann Kristin; Brogniez, Hélène, 2019: A New Look at the Daily Cycle of Trade Wind Cumuli. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 10, 3148-3166, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001746. 


A description of the daily cycle of oceanic shallow cumulus for undisturbed boreal winter conditions in the North Atlantic trades is presented. Modern investigation tools are used, including storm-resolving and large-eddy simulations, run over large domains in realistic configurations, and observations from in situ measurements and satellite-based retrievals. Models and observations clearly show pronounced diurnal variations in cloudiness, both near cloud base and below the trade inversion. The daily cycle reflects the evolution of two cloud populations: (i) a population of nonprecipitating small cumuli with weak vertical extent, which grows during the day and maximizes around sunset, and (ii) a population of deeper precipitating clouds with a stratiform cloud layer below the trade inversion, which grows during the night and maximizes just before sunrise. Previous studies have reported that cloudiness near cloud base undergoes weak variations on time scales longer than a day. However, here we find that it can vary strongly at the diurnal time scale. This daily cycle could serve as a critical test of the models' representation of the physical processes controlling cloudiness near cloud base, which is thought to be key for the determination of the Earth's climate response to warming.