Incongruence between morphotypes and genetically delimited species in the coral genus Stylophora: phenotypic plasticity, morphological convergence, morphological stasis or interspecific hybridization?
Blanchot, Jean
Charpy, Loic
Cruaud, Corinne
Licuanan, Wilfredo Y.
Nakano, Yoshikatsu
Payri, Claude
Tillier, Simon
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Flot, Jean-Francois; Blanchot, Jean; Charpy, Loic; Cruaud, Corinne; Licuanan, Wilfredo Y.; Nakano, Yoshikatsu; Payri, Claude; Tillier, Simon, 2011: Incongruence between morphotypes and genetically delimited species in the coral genus Stylophora: phenotypic plasticity, morphological convergence, morphological stasis or interspecific hybridization? . In: BMC Ecology , 11 , 1 , DOI: