Numerical analysis of gravity and magnetic fields prior to structural modelling

Tabelow, Philipp
The work presented here is part of ongoing studies in the AlpArray initiative and the priority program "MB-4D" regarding the modelling of the lithosphere in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). It will be based on constraining data from LOBSTER and LISA campaigns of past GEOMAR projects and a study in our research group at CAU Kiel. Our motivation is the combination and interdisciplinary interpretation of independent information from geology, tectonics, geophysics, and petrology. The existing gravity fields, especially the new compilation of the AlpArray Gravity Research Group (AAGRG) is considered as database (high resolution Free Air- and Bouguer anomalies) and the isostatic residual field, besides data of the ICGEM Potsdam (disturbance) and the ESA GOCE gradients for gravity and data for the magnetic field anomaly. The gravity and magnetic fields are analyzed using Euler deconvolution with regularization (R. Pašteka, Comenius University Bratislava) and application of curvature analysis we use both, the fields themselves and their gradients. Besides the calculation of the so-called "3rd derivative" of the gravity potential, we also investigate a possible use of the invariants of the gravity field based on gradient data and compare and correlate the results with structural and tectonic maps in the area of the Ligurian Sea and the adjacent French and Italian mainland. The findings from these comparisons will later be used to initiate the compilation of 3D density and susceptibility models for the studied region.