Laboratory Study on Fluid-Induced Fault Slip Behavior: The Role of Fluid Pressurization Rate

Wang, Lei ORCIDiD
Kwiatek, Grzegorz ORCIDiD
Rybacki, Erik ORCIDiD
Bonnelye, Audrey ORCIDiD
Bohnhoff, Marco ORCIDiD
Dresen, Georg ORCIDiD

Persistent URL:
Wang, Lei; Kwiatek, Grzegorz; Rybacki, Erik; Bonnelye, Audrey; Bohnhoff, Marco; Dresen, Georg, 2020: Laboratory Study on Fluid-Induced Fault Slip Behavior: The Role of Fluid Pressurization Rate. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 6, DOI: 


Understanding the physical mechanisms governing fluid-induced fault slip is important for improved mitigation of seismic risks associated with large-scale fluid injection. We conducted fluid-induced fault slip experiments in the laboratory on critically stressed saw-cut sandstone samples with high permeability using different fluid pressurization rates. Our experimental results demonstrate that fault slip behavior is governed by fluid pressurization rate rather than injection pressure. Slow stick-slip episodes (peak slip velocity < 4 μm/s) are induced by fast fluid injection rate, whereas fault creep with slip velocity < 0.4 μm/s mainly occurs in response to slow fluid injection rate. Fluid-induced fault slip may remain mechanically stable for loading stiffness larger than fault stiffness. Independent of fault slip mode, we observed dynamic frictional weakening of the artificial fault at elevated pore pressure. Our observations highlight that varying fluid injection rates may assist in reducing potential seismic hazards of field-scale fluid injection projects.