Nonlinear electron synchrotron cooling and synchrotron self Compton flaring of TeV blazars

Röken, Christian

Röken, Christian, 2008: Nonlinear electron synchrotron cooling and synchrotron self Compton flaring of TeV blazars. , Univ. Bochum, 84 S. S., DOI: 


We investigate the double-peak profile of the emission of powerful cosmic non-thermal radiation sources with dominant magnetic field self-generation like TeV blazars. Therefore, we assume a flare to occur in the emission knot due to the uniform instantaneous injection of monoenergetic ultra-relativistic electrons via a relativistic pick-up process. The electrons are subjected to a linear or nonlinear synchrotron radiation cooling and the synchrotron photons are multiple Thomson scattered off their generating electrons (SSC process). We work out the differences between single and multiple instantaneous injections of monoenergetic relativistic electrons. This is of great interest, because it is very likely that injections into the plasmoids occur repeatedly, so that this would explain the short-time energy variability of blazars. We also compute for the first time the nonlinear SSC radiation quantities using a Thomson limit approximation and the full Klein-Nishina cross section.