Zur Land- und Bodendegradation – ein Rück- und Ausblick deutschland- und weltweit
Persistent URL: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/10631
DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-5786
Soils and landscapes are bridges of space and time, as they simultaneously and authentically show essential aspects that were previously separated by time and space (such as cultural and activity-related aspects from past and present) to the trained observer - albeit only in excerpts. Therefore, this article presents a series of impact indicators for soil changes, starting with extreme (anthropogenic) interventions and ending with equally extreme ("natural") events. An essential difference to specifically planning-relevant or human ecological concepts, which, for example, specify land use/load categories, is that the following impact indicators perceive soils as a phenomenon in themselves and do not define them through attributed functions. Particular attention is focused on their changeability and vital development potential, as well as on their property as a sphere of penetration of living and material things, with emphasis on the noetic effect. The intervention or event spaces on the earth's surface can be differentiated quantitatively through the type, strength, and duration of the phenomena. The intensity of all processes can be described by amplitude (the strength of the interventions/events) and frequency (the repetition rate of the interventions/events) and can be specifically identified and quantified by, for example, material inputs or outputs per unit of time. For the first time, there would be a system for measuring the ecological quality of anthropogenic land use, which could serve as an "alert system for the external technological culture," and could help us become aware of our "inner" culture.