Research in Egypt and Sudan
Sonderforschungsbereich 69: results of the special research project arid areas, period 1981 - 1984 ; Herrn Prof. Dr. Franz Hecht zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet
1984Reimer, Berlin
Sammelbandbeitrag, digitalisiert
Klitzsch, Eberhard; Said, Rushdi; Schrank, Eckart (Ed.), 1984: Research in Egypt and Sudan - Sonderforschungsbereich 69: results of the special research project arid areas, period 1981 - 1984 ; Herrn Prof. Dr. Franz Hecht zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie; Band 50, Reimer, Berlin, DOI:
● Regional Geology, Petrology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Palaeontology (Basin Analysis) ●
HUTH, A., FRANZ, G. & H. SCHANDELMEIER: Magmatic and metamorphic rocks of NW Sudan: a reconnaissance survey . . . 7 ;
KLITZSCH, E.: Northwestern Sudan and bordering areas: geological development since Cambrian time . . . 23 ;
KLITZSCH, E. & A. LEJAL-NICOL: Flora and fauna from strata in Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan (Nubia and surrounding areas) . . . 47 ;
WYCISK, P.: Depositional environments of Mesozoic strata from Northwestern Sudan . . . 81 ;
FAY, M. & W. HERRMANN-DEGEN: Mineralogy of Campanian/Maastrichtian sand deposits and a model of basin development for the Nubian Group of the Dakhla Basin (Southwest Egypt) . . . 99 ;
HENDRIKS, F., LUGER, P. , KALLENBACH, H. & J. H. SCHROEDER: Stratigraphical and sedimentological framework of the Kharga - Sinn El-Kaddab Stretch (Western and Southern part of the Upper Nile Basin), Western Desert, Egypt . . . 117 ;
DOMINIK, W. & S. SCHAAL: Notes on the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous phosphates (Campanian) of the Western Desert (Egypt) . . . 153 ;
SCHRANK, E.: Organ ic-wal led microfossils and sedimentary facies in the Abu Tartur phosphates (Late Cretaceous, Egypt) . . . 177 ;
SCHRANK, E.: Organic-geochemical and palynological studies of a Dakhla Shale profile (Late Cretaceous) in Southeast Egypt, Part A: Succession of microfloras and depositional environment . . . 189 ;
● Hydrogeology, Climate, Quaternary Geology, Pedology, Agriculture ●
THORWEIHE, U., SCHNEIDER, M. & C. SONNTAG: New aspects of Hydrogeology in Southern Egypt . . . 209 ;
SONNTAG, C.: Autochthoneous groundwater in the confined Nubian sandstone aquifers . . . 217 ;
HEINL, M. & R. HOLLÄNDER: Some aspects of a new groundwater model for the Nubian aquifer system 221 ;
ERGENZINGER, P. & J. SCHMIDT: Field experiments on the water budget of the Wadi Ruashid project site (Northern Egypt) . . . 233 ;
GRUGELKE, G.: An infiltration model for semiarid conditions . . . 243 ;
PACHUR, H.-J. & H.-P. ROPER: The Libyan (Western) Desert and Northern Sudan during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene . . . 249 ;
GOSCHIN, M.: Phosphate analysis of Neolithic sites in the Sahara . . . 285 ;
BLUME, H.-P., ALAILY, F. , SMETTAN, U. & J. ZIELINSKI: Soil types and associations of Southwest Egypt . . . 293 ;
KEHL, H., STAHR, K. & J. GAUER: Soil -vegetation relationship of a small catchment area of the Libyan Plateau in N.W. Egypt . . . 303 ;
DOERING, H. W. & R. GERICKE: Practice and problems of agricultural land use in the Southeast Sahara . . . 325 ;
MOLLER, H.-D.: Agroecology and development of rainfed agriculture in the Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt . . . 335 ;
● Sedimentary Deposits ●
GERMANN, K. , BOCK, W.-D. & T. SCHRÖTER: Facies development of Upper Cretaceous phosphorites in Egypt: sedimentological and geochemical aspects . . . 345 ;
GANZ, H.: Organic-geochemical and palynological studies of a Dakhla Shale profile in Southeast Egypt, Part B: Origin of the organic matter and its relation to phosphorite-formation . . . 363 ;
TRÖGER, U.: The oil shale potential of Egypt . . . 375 ;
GOCK, E. & K.-H. JACOB: Conceptions for processing the pyrite-bearing phosphorite of Abu Tartur . . . 381 ;
SHULMAN, M. J. & W. SKALA: Computer assisted exploration: exploration for phosphorites in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt - a review . . . 399 ;
● Remote-Sensing, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Geophysics ●
KAEHLER, M. & G. KOENIG: Radiometrical image enhancement for satellite- image-maps . . . 407 ;
MEHLBREUER, A. & I. MILKUS: Geometrical image processing for the production of satellite image maps . . . 421 ;
GEHLICH, U. K. & 0. HIRSCH: The Western Desert, an example for the use of Doppler-positioning in arid areas . . . 435 ;
BEHRENS, J., BURKHARDT, H., ERBAS, K. , FIEDLER-VOLMER, R., KALKBRENNER, M. , LORENZ, B. & J. SCHULZ-OHLBERG: Geophysical investigations in the arid region of SW-Egypt and NW-Sudan . . . 441 ;
View StatisticsSubjects:
Festschriften {Geologische Wissenschaften}
Nil-Einzugsgebiet im Allgemeinen {Geologie}
Nordafrika {Geophysik}