Proceedings of the Fourth United Nations CDG International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications to Geological Sciences
held at Potsdam and Berlin, September 28 to October 16, 1992 hosted by GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam and Free University of Berlin
1993Fachbereich Geowiss., FU Berlin, Berlin
Anthology, digitized
List, Franz K.; Bankwitz, Peter (Ed.), 1993: Proceedings of the Fourth United Nations CDG International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications to Geological Sciences - held at Potsdam and Berlin, September 28 to October 16, 1992 hosted by GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam and Free University of Berlin. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe D, Geoinformatik; Band 5, Fachbereich Geowiss., FU Berlin, Berlin, DOI:
P. BANKWITZ & F. K. LIST: Editors' Foreword . . . 5 ,
F. K. LIST: Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing for Geologic Applications . . . 7 ;
H. E. C. VAN DER MEER MOHR, T. WOLDAI & P. M. VAN DlJK: Image processing for Detecting Environmental Pollution in a Coal Mining District, Montalban Area, Spain . . . 31 ;
ROTHFUß, F. LEHMANN & R. RICHTER: Comparison of Airborne Imaging Spectrometry and Geochemical Ground Survey for the Analysis of Vegetation Anomalies over Waste Deposits . . . 41 ;
M. A. DESSENA: Remote Sensing Application to Water Resources Exploration in Mali . . . 47 ;
M. GRANICZNY: Comprehensive Analysis of Multithematic Remote Sensing and Geophysical Data for the Determination of Geological Structures . . . 55 ;
M. GRANICZNY: Radar Image Interpretation for Geological Purposes. A Workshop Exercise . . . 69 ;
V. TRIFONOV: Seismotectonics and Remote Sensing . . . 73 ;
P. BANKWITZ & E. BANKWITZ: Neotectonic Features in the Primorski Mountains, Northwest of Lake Baikal, Siberia - An Exercise - . . . 89 ;
J. PlLARSKl: Application of Fractal Property for Remote Sensing Interpretations . . . 105 ;
P. BANKWITZ: Columbia River Flood-basalt Province, Geological Model derived from Remote Sensing Data - An Exercise - . . . 111 ;