Browsing Publikationen des FID GEO by Contributor "Elger, Kirsten"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Das Netz der geowissenschaftlichen FIDs
Chrom, Wolfgang; Semmler, Malte; Koch, Cornelia; Achterberg, Inke; Elger, Kirsten; Lorenz, Melanie; Marcel, Meistring; Pfurr, Norbert; Wagenbreth, Bernhard (2022)Die DFG-geförderten Fachinformationsdienste FID GEO, FID Karten und FID Montan unterstützen ihre jeweils eigene Fachcommunity und agieren zudem als gemeinsames Cluster für das System Erde. Im Zentrum stehen elektronisches ... -
Data Management: open, FAIR, citable?
i-EDDA-Research School (BGR Spandau); i-EDDA = Innovative Exploration Drilling and Data Acquisition, ; Datenmanagement Workshop: 05.11.2021 -
Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften - Services und Beratungsangebote rund um Open Science für Geowissenschaften
Elger, Kirsten; Achterberg, Inke; Brannemann, Kathrin; Lorenz, Melanie; Meistring, Marcel; Pfurr, Norbert; Semmler, Malte (2021)Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften - Services und Beratungsangebote rund um Open Science für Geowissenschaften. Präsentation beim DFG-Rundgespräch zur Vernetzung von Fachinformationsdiensten mit den Konsortien der ... -
Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft (FID) - Neue (nicht nur) digitale Angebote auch für die Geographie: Karten, Texte, Daten
Bertelmann, Roland; Crom, Wolfgang; Elger, Kirsten; Hübner, Andreas; Pfurr, Norbert; Schüler, Mechthild (Rundbrief Geographie, 2017)Beschreibung des FID GEO (Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften der festen Erde) und des FID Karten (Fachinformationsdienst Kartographie und Geobasisdaten). -
FID GEO latest: How to cite data publications correctly
Publishing data with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is becoming increasingly popular, and many researchers are being asked by journals to publish the data underlying the research results described in the article. Where ... -
FID GEO latest: Recommendations for using ORCID iD
Lorenz, Melanie; Elger, Kirsten; Meistring, Marcel; Achterberg, Inke; Semmler, Malte; Pfurr, Norbert (2023)The ORCID is an open alphanumeric identifier used to uniquely identify researchers.In an increasingly connected scientific landscape, the growing number of published research outputs (data, text, software) and new open ... -
FID GEO latest: Research Organization Registry (ROR)
[...] ROR stands for Research Organization Registry and is an open registry for research organizations. The registry is developed and operated as a joint initiative of the California Digital Library, Crossref and ... -
FID GEO: Digital transformation and Open Access in Germany’s geoscience research community
Hübner, Andreas; Martinson, Guntars; Bertelmann, Roland; Elger, Kirsten; Pfurr, Norbert; Schüler, Mechthild (2017)Poster describing the general and current work of the FID GEO. -
FID GEO: Digitale Transformation und Open Access für die deutschen Geowissenschaften
Hübner, Andreas; Martinson, Guntars; Bertelmann, Roland; Elger, Kirsten; Pfurr, Norbert; Schüler, Mechthild (77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft 27.– 30. März 2017 in Potsdam, 2017)Die Zusammenarbeit der DGG mit dem FID GEO wird kurz beschrieben. Dabei geht es zum einen um die Digitalisierung älterer Jahrgänge der Zeitschrift für Geophysik und die damit verbundenen Urheberrechtsfragen, sowie zum ... -
FID GEO: promoting cultural change towards Open Access and FAIR data in the German geoscientific communityZ Data Services – A domain repository for geosciences data
Lorenz, Melanie; Meistring, Marcel; Elger, Kirsten; Achterberg, Inke; Semmler, Malte; Pfurr, Norbert (2022)The rise of Open Science practices is impacting the entire scientific publishing culture. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with the growing demand to make scientific data and software ... -
FID GEO: Promoting Open Science in the Geosciences
Lorenz, Melanie; Meistring, Marcel; Elger, Kirsten; Achterberg, Inke; Semmler, Malte; Pfurr, Norbert (2022)The rise of Open Science practices is impacting the entire scientific publishing culture. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with the growing demand to make scientific data and software ... -
GFZ Data Services – A domain repository for geosciences data
FZ Data Services is a domain repository for geosciences data comprising the Earth, Space and Environmental Sciences. It assigns digital object identifier (DOI) to data and scientific software since 2004. Hosted at the GFZ ... -
How open is our research? A discussion on the state of Open Science in the field of mineralogy and petrology
How open is our research? A discussion on the state of Open Science in the field of mineralogy and petrology. Vortrag bei der Arbeitsgruppe Mineralogie+Petrologie der Uni Potsdam, 29.04.2022 A brief look at current trends ... -
introduction to data publications
Datenmanagement Workshop: 25.11.2021:Treffen der DOME Nachwuchswissenschaftler am GFZ (Potsdam) DOME = DFG SPP 2238 - Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment, -
Introduction to data publications and IGSN
Introduction to data publications and IGSN. Invited presentation during the General Assembly of the DFG SPP 2238 - Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment - DOME. 28 March 2022, Goslar -
Open Science – more than Open Access
The Berlin Declaration from 2003 was the starting point for Open Access to scholarly publications. Today, however, we speak about Open Science that reaches far beyond Open Access and represents collaborative, transparent ... -
The role of repositories and data journals for Open Science
Knowledge sharing in academia has been considered indispensable and is becoming a priority in most European funding schemes. Although we are already quite familiar with the different possibilities to publish our results ... -
The Specialised Information Service for Geosciences (FID GEO): Supporting Open Access Publications for the Geosciences Community in Germany
Lorenz, Melanie; Elger, Kirsten; Achterberg, Inke; Semmler, Malte; Meistring, Marcel; Pfurr, Norbert (2022)The shift towards Open Science practices is increasingly demanded by science policy. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with a growing demand to make data, scientific software and samples, ...