Rural-urban migration in Bangladesh
Causes and Effects
Mortuza, Syed Ali
Reimer Verlag Berlin
Monograph, digitized
Other online version:
Mortuza, Syed Ali, 1992: Rural-urban migration in Bangladesh - Causes and Effects. Abhandlungen Anthropogeographie; Vol. 48, 176 S., DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-3637.
Considering the importance of migration research and the dearth in literature on migration, the following study has been done, with the intention of examining the complex interrelation between internal migration and the development process in Bangladesh. Thereby, emphasis has been given to the investigation and analysis of the causes of rural-urban migration and its spatial as well as socioeconomic consequences, with examples from Dhaka.
To construct a framework for the present study, some consideration has been given to both theoretical as well as empirical studies on internal migration. The discussion of general theories which follows in the next section, has mainly been done to assess the validity of these in the analysis of internal migration in the Third World countries.