Preliminary Statistical Comparisons of Spin‐Averaged Electron Data From Arase and Van Allen Probes Instruments
Vasile, Ruggero
Takashima, Takeshi
Higashio, Nana
Hori, Tomo
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Szabó‐Roberts, Mátyás; Shprits, Yuri Y.; Allison, Hayley J.; Vasile, Ruggero; Smirnov, Artem G.; Aseev, Nikita A.; Drozdov, Alexander Y.; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Claudepierre, Seth G.; Kasahara, Satoshi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Mitani, Takefumi; Takashima, Takeshi; Higashio, Nana; Hori, Tomo; Keika, Kunihiro; Imajo, Shun; Shinohara, Iku, 2021: Preliminary Statistical Comparisons of Spin‐Averaged Electron Data From Arase and Van Allen Probes Instruments. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Band 126, 7, DOI: 10.1029/2020JA028929.
Following the end of the Van Allen Probes mission, the Arase satellite offers a unique opportunity to continue in‐situ radiation belt and ring current particle measurements into the next solar cycle. In this study we compare spin‐averaged flux measurements from the MEPe, HEP‐L, HEP‐H, and XEP‐SSD instruments on Arase with those from the MagEIS and REPT instruments on the Van Allen Probes, calculating Pearson correlation coefficient and the mean ratio of fluxes at L* conjunctions between the spacecraft. Arase and Van Allen Probes measurements show a close agreement over a wide range of energies, observing a similar general evolution of electron flux, as well as average, peak, and minimum values. Measurements from the two missions agree especially well in the 3.6 = L* ≤ 4.4 range where Arase samples similar magnetic latitudes to Van Allen Probes. Arase tends to record higher flux for energies <670 keV with longer decay times after flux enhancements, particularly for L* < 3.6. Conversely, for energies >1.4 MeV, Arase flux measurements are generally lower than those of Van Allen Probes, especially for L* > 4.4. The correlation coefficient values show that the >1.4 MeV flux from both missions are well correlated, indicating a similar general evolution, although flux magnitudes differ. We perform a preliminary intercalibration between the two missions using the mean ratio of the fluxes as an energy‐ and L*‐ dependent intercalibration factor. The intercalibration factor improves agreement between the fluxes in the 0.58–1 MeV range. Key Points:
MEPe, HEPH, HEPL, XEPSSD, and MAGEIS/REPT show a good correlation at energies above 300 keV and 3 < L* < 4.6.
Flux measurements at the same energy from the two missions are highly comparable in magnitude.
Intercalibration via energy‐ and L*‐dependent factors improves the agreement between Arase and RBSP.
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