Please note that this English translation of the deposit license is for comprehension purposes only. The German language version has exclusive legal validity.

Use of Documents on GEO-LEOe-docs
Translation of the DEPOSIT LICENSE

The following applies in general to all documents:

Users are entitled to use documents free of charge in accordance with copyright law, in particular to download the document for private and other own use, to save it and to print it in small numbers (§53 UrhG), as well as to use it for own scientific research (§60c).

In addition, further rights (e.g. Creative Commons licences) may apply to individual documents. The respective licence is assigned to the document and clearly marked on the corresponding download page. The licence text is stored and can be accessed for information purposes.

Use of the Metadata:

The metadata are freely available for subsequent use. Retrieval is possible via an OAI-PMH interface at

Publishing on GEO-LEOe-docs
Translation of the DEPOSIT LICENSE

For editors (edited volumes or proceedings): The signing editor affirms that all contributing authors have given their consent to their work being used in the way described below. The editor shall indemnify and keep idemnified Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) from and against all possible claims by the authors.

  1. Assignment of Rights
    The rights owner grants the SUB Göttingen the permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to make publicly accessible the document and to archive it on, the document server of the SUB GÖttingen (FID GEO). All copyright protections will continue to remain in force on account of this license. The act of uploading a document does not constitute a legally binding right to publication or archiving.
  2. Third-party Rights
    The rights owner declares that on publication of his document as well as its components (for example, illustrations) the rights of third parties (e. g. co-authors, publishers, collecting societies, funding agencies) will not be infringed. The University has the right to deny access to my publication if sufficient evidence exists of the potential infringement of third party rights. In the event that infringements of the rights of third parties are asserted after publication, the authors assure that they will inform the operators of this without delay.
  3. Long term archiving and transformation into other formats
    In conjunction with the provisions of Article 1, the rights owner grants the SUB Göttingen the right to store the document in its long term archive and to convert it into other electronic and physical formats if necessary (for example, for migration purposes, indexing or to improve its accessibility).
  4. Transfer of Metadata and Documents
    In conjunction with the provisions of Article 1, the rights owner grants the SUB Göttingen the right to make the document's metadata available free of charge to other databases. In addition, the rights owner grants the SUB Göttingen the right, in the context of national or special subject collections mandates, to supply third parties with the document for archival purposes or to make it available publicly.