Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Converting forests into rubber plantations weakened the soil CH4 sink in tropical uplands 

      Lang, RongORCIDiD; Goldberg, Stefanie; Blagodatsky, SergeyORCIDiD; Piepho, Hans-Peter; Harrison, Rhett D.; Xu, Jianchu; Cadisch, Georg (Land Degradation & Development, 2019)
      Large-scale conversion of natural forest to rubber plantations has taken place for decades in Southeast Asia, help to make it a deforestation hot spot. Besides negative changes in biodiversity, ecosystem water, and carbon ...
    • Dendrochronologische Befunde zur jüngeren Flußgeschichte von Main, Fulda, Lahn und Oker 

      Delorme, Axel; Leuschner, Hanns-Hubert (E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.33, No. 1)
      Mit Hilfe einer Häufigkeitsverteilung der Keim- und Absterbedaten von 166 sub fossilen Eichenstämmen werden für das Obermaintal jeweils zwei Phasen der Auwaldbildung und -zerstörung im Subatlantikum nachgewiesen. Ein ...
    • Ecological and socio-economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversion 

      Drescher, Jochen; Rembold, Katja; Allen, Kara; Beckschäfer, Philip; Buchori, Damayanti; Clough, Yann; Faust, Heiko; Fauzi, Anas M.; Gunawan, Dodo; Hertel, Dietrich; Irawan, Bambang; Jaya, I. Nengah S.; Klarner, Bernhard; Kleinn, Christoph; Knohl, AlexanderORCIDiD; Kotowska, Martyna M.; Krashevska, Valentyna; Krishna, Vijesh; Leuschner, Christoph; Lorenz, Wolfram; Meijide, AnaORCIDiD; Melati, Dian; Nomura, Miki; Pérez-Cruzado, César; Qaim, Matin; Siregar, Iskandar Z.; Steinebach, Stefanie; Tjoa, Aiyen; Tscharntke, Teja; Wick, Barbara; Wiegand, KerstinORCIDiD; Kreft, Holger; Scheu, Stefan (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2016)
      Tropical lowland rainforests are increasingly threatened by the expansion of agriculture and the extraction of natural resources. In Jambi Province, Indonesia, the interdisciplinary EFForTS project focuses on the ecological ...
    • Importance of Surface Roughness for the Local Biogeophysical Effects of Deforestation 

      Winckler, J.ORCIDiD; Reick, C. H.; Bright, R. M.ORCIDiD; Pongratz, J.ORCIDiD (Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019)
      Deforestation influences surface properties such as surface roughness, resulting in changes in the surface energy balance and surface temperature. Recent studies suggest that the biogeophysical effects are dominated by ...
    • Long‐term stable water isotope and runoff data for the investigation of deforestation effects on the hydrological system of the Wüstebach catchment, Germany 

      Bogena, Heye R.ORCIDiD; Stockinger, Michael P.ORCIDiD; Lücke, AndreasORCIDiD (Hydrological Processes, 2020-12-18)
      The Wüstebach catchment belongs to the German TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) network and was partially deforested (~21%) by the Eifel National Park in 2013. In this data paper, we provide 11‐year precipitation ...
    • Reconstructing 2500 years of land use history on the Kemel Heath (Kemeler Heide), southern Rhenish Massif, Germany 

      Stolz, Christian; Böhnke, Sebastian; Grunert, Jörg (E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.61, No. 2)
      Die Kemeler Heide im westlichen Hintertaunus ist heute Teil des größten zusammenhängenden Waldgebietes in Hessen mit einer Waldbedeckung von rund 60 %. Bis ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert wurde sie jedoch als Heide genutzt. Mit ...