Photonische Lokaloszillatoren für Anwendungen in der Terahertz-Radioastronomie
Malcoci, Andrei
Univ. Duisburg
Malcoci, Andrei, 2006: Photonische Lokaloszillatoren für Anwendungen in der Terahertz-Radioastronomie. Univ. Duisburg, 165 S., DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-110.
Photonic Local Oscillators (PLOs) operating at optical wavelengths around 1550 nm have a major importance especially for radio astronomic THz Antenna arrays like the "Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array" (ALMA) in Chile. The PLO-Technique allows the distribution of a centrally generated Local Oscillator signal over more than ten kilometres to the Antennas, by using the optical Window for long distance communications where loss in glass fibres is lowest...