Publikationen des FID GEO
Recent Submissions
FID GEO latest: Research Organization Registry (ROR)
(2023)[...] ROR stands for Research Organization Registry and is an open registry for research organizations. The registry is developed and operated as a joint initiative of the California Digital Library, Crossref and ... -
FID GEO latest: How to cite data publications correctly
(2023)Publishing data with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is becoming increasingly popular, and many researchers are being asked by journals to publish the data underlying the research results described in the article. Where ... -
FID GEO latest: Recommendations for using ORCID iD
(2023)The ORCID is an open alphanumeric identifier used to uniquely identify researchers.In an increasingly connected scientific landscape, the growing number of published research outputs (data, text, software) and new open ... -
Sustainable research software for high-quality computational research in the Earth System Sciences: Recommendations for universities, funders and the scientific community in Germany
(2023)Similar to other research fields, new knowledge in the Earth System Sciences is increasingly produced by computational research. However, the reproducibility of this type of research has been shown to be very limited, and ... -
Sách Hướng dẫn Nhà ở Xanh và Sống Lành mạnh
(Nhà Xuất bản Xây dựng, 2023)Trong bối cảnh đó, Sổ tay về Nhà ở Xanh và Sống Lành mạnh đã được xây dựng với sự hỗ trợ của dự án CAMaRSEC do Chính phủ Đức tài trợ. Với nỗ lực truyền bá các khái niệm và thực hành về nhà ở bền vững và sống lành mạnh cho ... -
Handbook for Green Housing and Healthy Living
(Construction Publisher, Hanoi, 2023)Trying to impart concepts and practices of sustainable housing and health to the public, the Handbook aims to apply a “non-expert” and “easy-to-understand” language, adequate visual effects, and user-friendly design. The ... -
DEAL Verträge mit Springer Nature und Wiley – DEAL contracts with Springer Nature and Wiley - Handout für die Geowissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften
(2020)Hübner, A. (2020d) DEAL Verträge mit Springer Nature und Wiley – DEAL contracts with Springer Nature and Wiley. Handout für die Geowissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften -
Data Management: open, FAIR, citable?
(2021)i-EDDA-Research School (BGR Spandau); i-EDDA = Innovative Exploration Drilling and Data Acquisition, ; Datenmanagement Workshop: 05.11.2021 -
introduction to data publications
(2021)Datenmanagement Workshop: 25.11.2021:Treffen der DOME Nachwuchswissenschaftler am GFZ (Potsdam) DOME = DFG SPP 2238 - Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment, -
Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften - Services und Beratungsangebote rund um Open Science für Geowissenschaften
(2021)Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften - Services und Beratungsangebote rund um Open Science für Geowissenschaften. Präsentation beim DFG-Rundgespräch zur Vernetzung von Fachinformationsdiensten mit den Konsortien der ... -
Introduction to data publications and IGSN
(2022)Introduction to data publications and IGSN. Invited presentation during the General Assembly of the DFG SPP 2238 - Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment - DOME. 28 March 2022, Goslar -
How open is our research? A discussion on the state of Open Science in the field of mineralogy and petrology
(2022)How open is our research? A discussion on the state of Open Science in the field of mineralogy and petrology. Vortrag bei der Arbeitsgruppe Mineralogie+Petrologie der Uni Potsdam, 29.04.2022 A brief look at current trends ... -
Open-Access-Veröffentlichungen in den Geowissenschaft - rechtliche Fragestellungen
(2021)Der Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften (FID GEO) veranstaltete zusammen mit der geowissenschaftlichen Bibliothek des Geologisches Instituts (GIA) der RWTH Aachen, einen Workshop zu den rechtlichen Fragen der ... -
Open Access für wissenschaftliche Texte / Publikation von Forschungsdaten
(2020)Open Access für wissenschaftliche Texte / Publikation von Forschungsdaten. Online Workshop, Bundesfachschaftentagung Aachen (10.11.2020) Dieser Workshop hat zwei Schwerpunkte: im ersten Teil geht es um Open Access von ... -
Fachsession für die geowissenschaftlichen Fachreferate (online) - organisiert von FID GEO, FID Karten und FID Montan
(2021)Fachsession für die geowissenschaftlichen Fachreferate, Online Workshop organisiert von FID GEO, FID Karten und FID Montan -
The Specialised Information Service for Geosciences (FID GEO): Supporting Open Access Publications for the Geosciences Community in Germany
(2022)The shift towards Open Science practices is increasingly demanded by science policy. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with a growing demand to make data, scientific software and samples, ... -
Best practice für Journal Data Policies: Inhalte und Umsetzung
(2021)In Erklärungen zu data sharing in den data policies von Zeitschriften wird empfohlen bzw. vorgeschrieben, dass Daten, die die Grundlage des Artikels bilden, zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Data policies sind dabei neben der ... -
Open-Science-Angebote des FID GEO
(2022)Als DFG-geförderter Service der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB) und des Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrums GFZ unterstützt der Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften (FID GEO) den ... -
Wie unterstützt der Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften (FID GEO) die Fachcommunity beim Open-Access-Publizieren?
(2022)Die Fachinformationsdienste FID GEO, FID KARTEN und FID MONTAN veranstalteten eine gemeinsame Online-Session für die geowissenschaftlichen Fachreferate. Dabei wurden die einzelnen Fachinformationsdienste und ihre Services ... -
Forschungsdaten 'Open and FAIR' publizieren
(2019)Die zitierfähige Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten mit einem Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ist ein zentraler Baustein im heutigen Kulturwandel des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens: eine Forschungspublikation ist heute ... -
Open Access-Publikationen von Texten und Karten über den FID GEO: Fallbeispiel „Zeitschrift für Geophysik“ der DGG
(2018)Der Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften der festen Erde (FID GEO) verfolgt mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) das Ziel die digitale Transformation und den freien Zugang zu ... -
GFZ Data Services – A domain repository for geosciences data
(2022)FZ Data Services is a domain repository for geosciences data comprising the Earth, Space and Environmental Sciences. It assigns digital object identifier (DOI) to data and scientific software since 2004. Hosted at the GFZ ... -
FID GEO: promoting cultural change towards Open Access and FAIR data in the German geoscientific communityZ Data Services – A domain repository for geosciences data
(2022)The rise of Open Science practices is impacting the entire scientific publishing culture. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with the growing demand to make scientific data and software ... -
Open Science – more than Open Access
(2022)The Berlin Declaration from 2003 was the starting point for Open Access to scholarly publications. Today, however, we speak about Open Science that reaches far beyond Open Access and represents collaborative, transparent ... -
FID GEO: Promoting Open Science in the Geosciences
(2022)The rise of Open Science practices is impacting the entire scientific publishing culture. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with the growing demand to make scientific data and software ...