Improved understanding of dynamic water and mass budgets of high‐alpine karst systems obtained from studying a well‐defined catchment area
Frank, Simon; Goeppert, Nadine; Goldscheider, Nico, 2021: Improved understanding of dynamic water and mass budgets of high‐alpine karst systems obtained from studying a well‐defined catchment area. In: Hydrological Processes, Band 35, 4, DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-4297.
Large areas of Europe, especially in the Alps, are covered by carbonate rocks and in many alpine regions, karst springs are important sources for drinking water supply. Because of their high variability and heterogeneity, the understanding of the hydrogeological functioning of karst aquifers is of particular importance for their protection and utilisation. Climate change and heavy rainfall events are major challenges in managing alpine karst aquifers which possess an enormous potential for future drinking water supply. In this study, we present research from a high‐alpine karst system in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal in Austria, which has a clearly defined catchment and is drained by only one spring system. Results show that (a) the investigated system is a highly dynamic karst aquifer with distinct reactions to rainfall events in discharge and electrical conductivity; (b) the estimated transient atmospheric CO2 sink is about 270 t/a; (c) the calculated carbonate rock denudation rate is between 23 and 47 mm/1000a and (d) the rainfall‐discharge behaviour and the internal flow dynamics can be successfully simulated using the modelling package KarstMod. The modelling results indicate the relevance of matrix storage in determining the discharge behaviour of the spring, particularly during low‐flow periods. This research and the consequent results can contribute and initiate a better understanding and management of alpine karst aquifers considering climate change with more heavy rainfall events and also longer dry periods. The investigated karst system contributes to the transient atmospheric CO2 sink with about 270 t/a.
Carbonate denudation rates vary between 23 and 47 mm/1000a.
Rainfall‐discharge modelling results indicate the importance of matrix storage particularly during low‐flow periods.
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- Geologie [933]
CO2 sinkdenudation rate
hydrochemical variability
karst spring
rainfall‐discharge model
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