Electronic Journal of the Freiberg Geoscience Departement
FOG is open to all fields of Geoscience like Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology etc. Although it is primarely a platform for scientist from the Freiberg area geoscientists from outside Freiberg are encouraged to submit papers and technical notes as well. Technical notes and papers have to be submitted only in the ADOBE PDF-Format . The files may contain links within the document as well as to any URL. With the PDF-File a list of all external links and the URL has to be supplied to FOG. All papers will be reviewed by at least two scientists. The author may suggest 2 or more scientists for the reviewing process. Please address communication to fog@www.geo.tu-freiberg.de .
Recent Submissions
Metallic Iron for Safe Drinking Water Production
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 27.2011) -
Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations at the Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia) with regard to the extraction of lithium
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 26.2010) -
Investigation and modelling of the geochemical processes in the hydrothermal system of Panarea, Italy
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 25.2010) -
Mining and Water, DAAD Alumni Expert Seminar - Proceedings
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 24.2009) -
Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems: 1st International Workshop - Proceedings
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 22.2009) -
Seasonal changes in the arsenic distribution of newly drilled wells tapping different aquifers in the Bangladesh delta
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 19.2009) -
Column Experiments Simulating Various Scenarios for Arsenic Mobilisation in Bangladesh
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 18.2008) -
Mercury distribution between particulate and dissolved states in wetlands in California, USA
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 15.2006) -
Mobilisation of Arsenic in the low-flow regime of groundwaters in Bangladesh
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 20.2009) -
Chemical and isotopic investigations of submarine hydrothermal fluid discharges from Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Italy
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 21.2009) -
Quantification of submarine degassing of Panarea Vol. ano in the Aeolian archipelago, Italy
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 23.2009) -
Gas Geochemistry and Isotopic Signatures in the deep Thermal waters in Jordan
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 16.2006)In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Hydrochemie und die Isotopensignale von Thermalwässern entlang der östlichen Seite des Dead Sea Transform (DST) in Jordanien untersucht. Die Hauptziele dieser Untersuchungen waren: ... -
Use of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes and Gaseous Tracers for Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Time of Residence, Mixing of the Different Types of Groundwater and Origin in the Silao Romita Aquifer, Guanajuato, Central Mexico
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 17.2006)Sogenannte Multi-Tracer-Studien sind eine effektive Methode um die Fließbedingungen von Grund- wässern zu bestimmen. Stabile und radioaktive Isotope sowie gasförmige Spurenstoffe wurden zu- sammen mit wasserchemischen ... -
Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Investigations in West Nymph Creek Thermal Area, Yellowstone National Park, USA
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 13.2005)Fast changing geothermal features characterize the Yellowstone National Park, USA. Highresolution aerial images were taken to map the hydrothermal study area. The combination of a digital camera and a low flying (< 100 m) ... -
Geo ecology of the Lake Urema / Central Mozambique
(Geologisches Institut <Freiberg>, 2005)Lake Urema is one of the most important ecological features of the Gorongosa National Park, Central Mozambique. It is located in the Urema Rift which is a part of the East African Rift System. The understanding of the ... -
A hydrogeological, hydrochemical and environmental study in Wadi Al Arroub drainage basin, South West Bank, Palestine
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 09.2003)Die Arbeit enthält die Ergebnisse von hydrologischen, hydrogeologischen, geomorphologischen und hydrochemischen Studien, die zwischen 1998-2002 im Einzugsgebiet des Wadi Al Arroub durchgeführt wurden. Das Arbeitsgebiet ... -
Integration of Water Resources of the Upper Aquifer in Amman-Zarqa Basin Based on Mathematical Modeling and GIS, Jordan
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 12.2005)Die geologischen, hydrogeologischen, hydrologischen, hydrochemischen und die Umweltaspekte des Amman-Zarqa Beckens wurden untersucht und erforscht. Es wurde ein geologisches Konzeptmodell und darauf aufbauend ein Grundwasser ... -
Aquatic Chemistry of Uranium
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 01.1998) -
High resolution aerial and field mapping of thermal features in Ragged Hills, Yellowstone National Park
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 11.2004)High resolution aerial images taken in a cost and time effective way from low-flying platforms were used to map a hydrothermal area in the Yellowstone National Park. The mapping area called Ragged Hills is located in the ... -
Groundwater Modeling Taking Into Account Probabilistic Uncertainties
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 10.2003)Auf Basis der Finite-Elemente-Methode wurde ein 3-D-Grundwassermodell weiterentwickelt, das Dichteabhängigkeit berücksichtigt und für gesättigte und ungesättigte poröse Medien gilt. In das Transportmodul ist die ... -
Sensitivity analysis and simulation uncertainties in predictive geochemical modelling
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 02.1999)Computer simulations have become increasingly popular in many different areas over the years, owing mainly to more effective and cheaper machines. In many cases, the trend seems to be that computer simulations are replacing ... -
Integrierte Datenauswertung Hydrogeologie
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 07.2002) -
Dictionary Applied Geology English – French – German – Spanish
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 04.2001)This dictionary was compiled by hydrogeologists from Germany, Mexico and Nicaragua. German and Spanish expressions were established by native speakers, all of them with a good knowledge of English and some French. However ... -
Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in the Rioverde basin, Mexico
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 03.2000)The study area is part of a 4500 km2 large sedimentary basin, the Rioverde basin, in the central-northern part of Mexico at altitudes of 1000 masl surrounded by the volcanics of the Mesa Central to the east and the Sierra ... -
Groundwater study for the Wadi Zerqa catchment area, Jordan
(Freiberg Online Geosciences; Vol. 05.2001)