E&G–Quaternary Science Journal
Seit 1951 bietet “E&G – Quaternary Science Journal” ein Publikationsforum für die Quartärsforschung. Es erscheinen ausschließlich begutachtete Original-Artikel und Tagungsbeiträge. Diese Sammlung enthält die Aufsätze und Beiträge aus allen Ausgaben bis Vol. 65 /2017, die seit 2011 als Zweitveröffentliching vom Verlag Geozon Science Media zu Archivivierungszwecken eingestellt wurden.
Recent Submissions
Spatially and temporally variable catchment-wide denudation rates – clues from the Alps
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)THESIS ABSTRACT -
Constraining the timing of deglaciation of the High Alps and rates of subglacial erosion with cosmogenic nuclides
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)THESIS ABSTRACT -
Reconsidering the current stratigraphy of the Alpine Lateglacial
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)The sedimentary and morphological evidence for Lateglacial glacier fluctuations in the Lienz area provides a strong case against the currently used pentapartite stratigraphic subdivision of the Alpine Lateglacial (ALG; c. ... -
Moränen versus Till: Empfehlungen für die Beschreibung, Interpretation und Klassifikation glazialer Landformen und Sedimente
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)Internationally, the description and interpretation of glacial sediments and landforms largely follow a set of uniform guidelines and terminology. Sediments are normally described according to their lithofacies characteristics ... -
Discussing surface crack structures in the Schorfheide region, NE Germany
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)Express Report -
Editorial Vol. 65, No.1
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65) -
The tablelands in the Puli Basin (central Taiwan) – a geochronological and geomorphological approach to Late Quaternary fluvial sedimentary and erosional processes
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)THESIS ABSTRACT -
The aeolian sedimentary system along the transition between the Qilian Shan and northern Chinese drylands during the late Quaternary
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)THESIS ABSTRACT -
Late Holocene glacier fluctuations in the eastern Nyainqêntanglha Range, southeastern Tibet
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)THESIS ABSTRACT -
Multiproxy-Untersuchungen zur Paläoökologie und -hydrologie eines spätglazial- bis frühholozänen Flachsees im nordostdeutschen Küstengebiet (Glowe-Paläosee/Insel Rügen)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.65)The paper presents results of multiproxy-investigations of a 3 m long sediment section from the Glowe Palaeolake, covering the period Pre-Bølling to the middle of the Preboreal. The Lateglacial and early Holocene landscape ... -
Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits (Kratzeburg, NE Germany) – dating and pedological characteristics
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)A soil-sediment sequence in NE Germany has provided information about the duration and intensity of formation of a Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits. With a combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), 14C- ... -
Environmental development and local human impact in the Jeetzel valley (N Germany) since 10 ka BP as detected by geoarchaeological analyses in a coupled aeolian and lacustrine sediment archive at Soven
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)While archaeological records indicate an intensive Mesolithic occupation of dune areas situated along river valleys, relatively little knowledge exists about environmental interactions in the form of land-use strategies ... -
Spätsaalezeitliche und eemzeitliche Makrofaunen aus dem Kliffaufschluss Klein Klütz Höved (NW-Mecklenburg)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)On the basis of the work done by Strahl et al. (1994), the mollusc specimens in the Late Saalian glacial and Eemian interglacial sediments from the cliff outcrop of Klein Klütz Höved (NW Mecklenburg) were re-examined and, ... -
Weichselzeitliche Kryocalcite als Hinweise für Eisseen in der Hüttenbläserschachthöhle (Iserlohn/NRW)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)C/O-stable isotope composition (VPDB) of speleothems from the Makkaronihalle of the Hüttenbläserschacht Cave in Iserlohn shows a clear separation between glacial and interglacial calcites. In contrast to normal speleothems ... -
Holocene Vegetation and Land Use History in the Northern Vosges (France)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)A radiocarbon-dated peat profile from Rond Pertuis supérieure mire in the uplands of the Northern Vosges is studied using palynological methods. The profile dates from the middle Atlantic period (4500–3100 B.C.) to recent ... -
Late Pleistocene spotted hyena den sites and specialized rhinoceros scavengers in the karstified Zechstein areas of the Thuringian Mountains (Central Germany)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) cranial and postcranial remains of the Pößneck region in the Zechstein Karst region of the Thuringian Mountains (Central Germany) were excavated historically in the Wüste Scheuer ... -
Chronostratigraphy of the Hochterrassen in the lower Lech valley (Northern Alpine Foreland)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)Hochterrassen (High or Higher Terraces) are a prominent geomorphological feature of the Northern Alpine Foreland and have traditionally been attributed to the Rissian glaciation. However, distinct morphological sublevels ... -
Periglaziäre, polygonal-verzweigte rinnenförmige Bildungen und glazitektonische Strukturen in Saale-Till am Elbe-Urstomtalrand bei Wedel (Schleswig-Holstein)
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)Remarkable polygenetical structures were observed at a refinery rehabilitation site in Wedel/Holstein. The polygonal shaped, channel-like structures are incised in mid-Saalian clayey, chalk-rich till. They are symmetrically ... -
Holotype skulls, stratigraphy, bone taphonomy and excavation history in the Zoolithen Cave and new theory about Esper’s “great deluge”
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.63)The Zoolithen Cave, in the Wiesent River Valley of Upper Franconia, Bavaria, South Germany, has a very long excavation history. The site is of international paleobiological importance as the Type site for five Pleistocene ... -
Driving mechanisms of Holocene lagoon development and barrier accretion in Northern Elis, Peloponnese, inferred from the sedimentary record of the Kotychi Lagoon
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.63)As part of the lagoon barrier accretions plain characterizing the NW coast of the Peloponnese, the Kotychi Lagoon is believed to have formed in the prograding delta of the Palaeo-Peneus River over 7000 years ago. ... -
Ice-Rafted Erratics and Bergmounds from Pleistocene Outburst Floods, Rattlesnake Mountain, Washington, USA
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.63)Exotic ice-rafted debris from the breakup of ice-dammed glacial lakes Missoula and Columbia is common in slackwater areas along the 1,100-km route for outburst floods in the northwestern US. A detailed analysis was performed ... -
Erwägungen zur Korrelation mittelpleistozäner Relikte des Rheingletschers mit der Nordschweizer Stratigraphie
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.63)In the glaciation history of Switzerland (Preusser, Graf, Keller, Krayss & Schlüchter 2011) is shown that two (possibly three) older glacials had happened before the well known glacials Würm = Birrfeld and Riss = Beringen. ... -
E&G - Quaternary Science Journal Vol. 61 No 2
(Geozon Science Media2012-12-12)Peer reviewed original papers in Quaternary geology, palaeoecology, soil science, palaeoclimatology, geomorphology, geochronology, archaeology, geography and other topics related to the Quaternary. -
Reconstructing 2500 years of land use history on the Kemel Heath (Kemeler Heide), southern Rhenish Massif, Germany
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.61, No. 2)Die Kemeler Heide im westlichen Hintertaunus ist heute Teil des größten zusammenhängenden Waldgebietes in Hessen mit einer Waldbedeckung von rund 60 %. Bis ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert wurde sie jedoch als Heide genutzt. Mit ... -
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of Terna River Basin in West Central India
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.61, No. 2)Im vorgelegten Artikel werden die Morphostratigraphie, Lithostratigraphie sowie die Sedimentstrukturen des Terna Beckens in der Deccan Basaltic Province (DBP) im westlichen Zentralindien vorgestellt. Die Quartärablagerungen ...