Journal of Geophysics - Zeitschrift für Geophysik 50
1981Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen
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Dieminger, W.; Untiedt, J. (Ed.), 1981: Journal of Geophysics - Zeitschrift für Geophysik 50. DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-3505.
Dieser Band enthält 29 Artikel zu Themengebieten der Geophysik mit Schwerpunkt auf Aspekte des Erdmagnetismus, veröffentlicht durch die Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1981 und 1982.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Journal of Geophysics 50
Anisotropy of vP and vS in Rock-Forming Minerals
(Babuška, V.)
Two Methods of Solving the Linearized Two-Dimensional Inverse Seismic Kinematic Problem
(Novotný, M.)
Palaeomagnetism of Upper Cretaceous Volcanics and Nubian Sandstones of Wadi Natash, SE Egypt and Implications for the Polar Wander Path for Africa in the Mesozoic
(Schult, A., Hussain, A. G., Soffel, H. C.)
Geomagnetic Induction Studies in Scandinavia
(Jones, A. G.)
Magnetotelluric Sounding in the Transitional Zone Between the Eastern Alps and Pannonian Basin
(Ádám, A., Märcz, F., Verö, J, Wallner, Á., Duma, G., Gutdeutsch, R.)
Low Energy Solar Particles Observed During the Pre-Phase of Large Particle Events
(Kirsch, E., Martinic, N., Keppler, E.)
Characteristics of Westward Travelling Surges During Magnetospheric Substorms
(Tighe, W. G., Rostoker, G.)
Impulse in Global Geomagnetic "Secular Variation", 1977–1979
(Nevanlinna, H., Sucksdorff, C.)
Turbulent Acceleration of Electrons in Extended Extragalactic Radio Sources
(Ferrari, A., Trussoni, E.)
Calibration of the Middle Triassic Time Scale by Conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Alkali Feldspars
(Hellmann, K. N., Lippolt, H. J.)
On Modelling the Lithosphere in Mantle Convection with Non-Linear Rheology
(Schmeling, H., Jacoby, W. R.)
The 3. January 1978 Interplanetary Shock Event as Observed by Energetic Particle, Plasma and Magnetic Field Devices on Board of HELIOS-1, HELIOS-2 and PROGNOZ-6
(Richter, A. K., Verigin, M. I., Kurt, V. G., Stolpovsky, V. G., Gringauz, K. I., Keppler, E., Rosenbauer, H., Neubauer, F. M., Gombosi, T., Somogyi, A.)
Monte Carlo Simulation of Collisionless Shocks Showing Preferential Acceleration of High A/Z Particles
(Khosa, P. N., Lalmani, Ahmad, M. M.)
Acceleration Processes at the Earth's Bow Shock
(Formisano, V., Orsini, S.)
In Memoriam Georg Pfotzer * 29. November 1909 † 24. Juli 1981
(Rosenbauer, H.)
(Geranios, A.)
Book Review
(Koch, M.)
Palaeomagnetic Constraints on Allochthony and Age of the Krol Belt Sequence, Garhwal Himalaya, India
(Klootwijk, C. T., Jain, A. K., Khorana, R.)
Grain Size Effect on the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Titanomagnetite
(Nishitani, T., Kono, M.)
The Romanian Earthquake of March 4, 1977
(Räkers, E., Müller, G.)
An Improved Algorithm for Magnetotelluric and Direct Current Data Interpretation
(Goldberg, S., Loewenthal, D., Rotstein, Y.)
Inverse Problems = Quest for Information
(Tarantola, A., Valette, B.)
Reflection and Transmission of Love Channel Waves at Coal Seam Discontinuities Computed with a Finite Difference Method
(Korn, M., Stöckl, H.)
Numerical Simulation of Vertical Seismic Profiling
(Temme, P., Müller, G.)
Energy Dispersion and Acceleration of Low Energy Protons and Their Relation to Electrons During an Auroral Breakup
(Urban, A., Torkar, K. M., Wilhelm, K.)
Joint Two-Dimensional Observations of Ground Magnetic and Ionospheric Electric Fields Associated with Auroral Currents
(André, Dieter, Baumjohann, Wolfgang)
Thermospheric Winds During the Energy Budget Campaign: Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Observations Supported by Dynamical Simulations with a Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Thermospheric Model
(Rees, D., Rounce, P. A., Charleton, P., Fuller-Rowell, T. J., McWhirter, I., Smith, K.)
Zonal Meteor Wind Observations at Budrio, Italy
(Cevolani, G., Dardi, D.)
The Theory of Particle Accelerations in Astrophysical Objects Containing Shock Waves and Turbulent Plasma Motions
(Bykov, A. M., Toptyghin, I. N.)
(Babuška, V.)
(Novotný, M.)
(Schult, A., Hussain, A. G., Soffel, H. C.)
(Jones, A. G.)
(Ádám, A., Märcz, F., Verö, J, Wallner, Á., Duma, G., Gutdeutsch, R.)
(Kirsch, E., Martinic, N., Keppler, E.)
(Tighe, W. G., Rostoker, G.)
(Nevanlinna, H., Sucksdorff, C.)
(Ferrari, A., Trussoni, E.)
(Hellmann, K. N., Lippolt, H. J.)
(Schmeling, H., Jacoby, W. R.)
(Richter, A. K., Verigin, M. I., Kurt, V. G., Stolpovsky, V. G., Gringauz, K. I., Keppler, E., Rosenbauer, H., Neubauer, F. M., Gombosi, T., Somogyi, A.)
(Khosa, P. N., Lalmani, Ahmad, M. M.)
(Formisano, V., Orsini, S.)
(Rosenbauer, H.)
(Geranios, A.)
(Koch, M.)
(Klootwijk, C. T., Jain, A. K., Khorana, R.)
(Nishitani, T., Kono, M.)
(Räkers, E., Müller, G.)
(Goldberg, S., Loewenthal, D., Rotstein, Y.)
(Tarantola, A., Valette, B.)
(Korn, M., Stöckl, H.)
(Temme, P., Müller, G.)
(Urban, A., Torkar, K. M., Wilhelm, K.)
(André, Dieter, Baumjohann, Wolfgang)
(Rees, D., Rounce, P. A., Charleton, P., Fuller-Rowell, T. J., McWhirter, I., Smith, K.)
(Cevolani, G., Dardi, D.)
(Bykov, A. M., Toptyghin, I. N.)