Journal of Geophysics - Zeitschrift für Geophysik 51
1982Springer, Berlin
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Dieminger, W.; Müller, G.; Untiedt, J. (Ed.), 1982: Journal of Geophysics - Zeitschrift für Geophysik 51. DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-3506.
Dieser Band enthält 29 Artikel zu Themengebieten der Geophysik, insbesondere zu Aspekten des Erdmagnetismus und der Seismik, veröffentlicht durch die Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft in dem Jahr 1982.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Journal of Geophysics 51
4039Ar Ages of Rocks and Glasses from the Nördlinger Ries Crater and the Temperature History of Impact Breccias
(Staudacher, T., Jessberger, E. K., Dominik, B., Kirsten, T., Schaeffer, O. A.)
Tectonic Inferences of Paleomagnetic Data from Some Mesozoic Formations in Central Iran
(Wensink, H.)
Palaeomagnetic Results from Lower Paleozoic Diabases and Pillow Lavas from the Frankenwald Area (Northwestern Edge of the Bohemian Massif)
(Kim, In-Soo, Soffel, H. C.)
Palaeomagnetism of Quaternary Volcanics of the East-Eifel, Germany
(Böhnel, H., Kohnen, H., Negendank, J., Schmincke, H.-U.)
The Effect of Young Oceanic Regions on Frequencies and Damping of free Oscillations of the Earth
(Roult, G.)
Altitude Characteristics of Radar Aurora as Seen by a 90-MHz Double-Altitude Radar System Operated at Karmaselga, Karelia
(Timofeev, E., Miroshnikov, Y.)
Observations of Ionospheric and Field-Aligned Currents in the Late Afternoon Sector with Triad and the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array
(Sulzbacher, H., Baumjohann, W., Potemra, T. A., Nielsen, E., Gustafsson, G.)
Adiabatic Invariant of the Non-Relativistic Particles in the Field of a Shock Wave
(Chirkov, A. G., Khodjaev, S. D., Shatalov, S. D., Vasiliyev, V. N.)
Comparative Interpretation of Explosion Seismic Data
(Ansorge, J., Prodehl, C., Bamford, D.)
The Intercept-Time Method – Possibilities and Limitations
(Pavlenkova, N. I.)
Linearized Solutions of Kinematic Problems of Seismic Body Waves in Inhomogeneous Slightly Anisotropic Media
(Červený, V., Jech, J.)
Source Parameters of Mine Tremors in the Eastern Part of the Ruhr-District (West-Germany)
(Hinzen, K.-G.)
Ferromagnetic Resonance g-Factor Measurement on LUNA 20 Soil
(Frait, Z., Cimbálníková, A.)
Observation of Guided ULF-Waves Correlated with Auroral Particle Precipitation Theoretically Explained by Negative Landau Damping
(Klöcker, N.)
Ground – Satellite Correlative Study of a Giant Pulsation Event
(Hillebrand, O., Münch, J., McPherron, R. L.)
Average Diurnal Variations of the Intensity of Geomagnetic Pulsations in the Period Ranges of pc 2–pc 5 Observed at Fürstenfeldbruck During the Years 1960–1971
(Korschunow, A.)
Dispersion Effect in Earth Tide Parameters?
(Wilhelm, H.)
Comments on “Palaeomagnetism of Upper Cretaceous Volcanics and Nubian Sandstones of Wadi Natash, SE Egypt and Implications for the Polar Wander Path for Africa in the Mesozoic”
(Schult, A., Hussain, A. G., Soffel, H. C.)
Book Reviews
(Buntebarth, G., Stegena, L.)
Amplitude study of the Pg Phase
(Banda, E., Deichmann, N., Braile, L. W., Ansorge, J.)
Analysis of Broad-Band Rayleigh Waves: A Possibility for Seismic Discrimination
(Hanka, W.)
Shear Fracture Development and Seismic Regime in Pyrophyllite Specimens with Soft Inclusions
(Sobolev, G., Rummel, F.)
The Shape of the Geomagnetic Field Through the Last 8,500 Years Over Part of the Northern Hemisphere
(Creer, K. M., Tucholka, P.)
The Induced Effects of Geomagnetic Variations in the Equatorial Region
(Carlo, L., Singh, B. P., Rastogi, R. G., Agrarwal, A. K.)
Parameter Trade-Off in One-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Modelling
(Fischer, G., Le Quang, B. V.)
A Theory of Forced Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
(Krummheuer, F.)
Pi2 Magnetic Pulsations, Auroral Break-ups, and the Substorm Current Wedge: A Case Study
(Pashin, A. B., Glaßmeier, K. H., Baumjohann, W., Raspopov, O. M., Yahnin, A. G., Opgenoorth, H. J., Pellinen, R. J.)
In Memoriam Haakon Brækken 14 April 1902 – 2 Juli 1982
(Saxov, S.)
Book Reviews
(Jacoby, W. R., Jentzsch, G., Spohn, T., Engelhard, L., Christensen, U.)
(Staudacher, T., Jessberger, E. K., Dominik, B., Kirsten, T., Schaeffer, O. A.)
(Wensink, H.)
(Kim, In-Soo, Soffel, H. C.)
(Böhnel, H., Kohnen, H., Negendank, J., Schmincke, H.-U.)
(Roult, G.)
(Timofeev, E., Miroshnikov, Y.)
(Sulzbacher, H., Baumjohann, W., Potemra, T. A., Nielsen, E., Gustafsson, G.)
(Chirkov, A. G., Khodjaev, S. D., Shatalov, S. D., Vasiliyev, V. N.)
(Ansorge, J., Prodehl, C., Bamford, D.)
(Pavlenkova, N. I.)
(Červený, V., Jech, J.)
(Hinzen, K.-G.)
(Frait, Z., Cimbálníková, A.)
(Klöcker, N.)
(Hillebrand, O., Münch, J., McPherron, R. L.)
(Korschunow, A.)
(Wilhelm, H.)
(Schult, A., Hussain, A. G., Soffel, H. C.)
(Buntebarth, G., Stegena, L.)
(Banda, E., Deichmann, N., Braile, L. W., Ansorge, J.)
(Hanka, W.)
(Sobolev, G., Rummel, F.)
(Creer, K. M., Tucholka, P.)
(Carlo, L., Singh, B. P., Rastogi, R. G., Agrarwal, A. K.)
(Fischer, G., Le Quang, B. V.)
(Krummheuer, F.)
(Pashin, A. B., Glaßmeier, K. H., Baumjohann, W., Raspopov, O. M., Yahnin, A. G., Opgenoorth, H. J., Pellinen, R. J.)
(Saxov, S.)
(Jacoby, W. R., Jentzsch, G., Spohn, T., Engelhard, L., Christensen, U.)