Journal of Geophysics -Zeitschrift für Geophysik 42
1976Springer, Berlin
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Dieminger, Walter; Untied, J. (Ed.), 1976: Journal of Geophysics -Zeitschrift für Geophysik 42. DOI: 10.23689/fidgeo-3471.
Dieser Band enthält 64 Artikel zu Themengebieten der Geophysik, veröffentlicht durch die Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1976 und 1977.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Journal of Geophysics 42
Short-Time Variations of Solar Particle Fluxes during the August 1972 Events
(Kremser, G., Riedler, W., Kirsch, E.)
Auroral Lyman-Alpha Emission
(Dose, V., Schmocker, U., Sele, G.)
The Gravity Field of Northeastern Iceland
(Schleusener, A., Torge, W., Drewes, H.)
Parabolic Field Dependence of Kinks Occurring in the Logarithmic Time Plots of Viscous Magnetization
(Markert, H., Heller, F., Steigenberger, N.)
Postulated Rotation of Corsica not Confirmed by New Palaeomagnetic Data
(Storetvedt, K. M., Petersen, N.)
Magnetic Anomalies of the African Red Sea Shelf and Their Implications for the Anomalies of Atlantic Continental Margin
(Roeser, H. A.)
Self-Reversal above Room Temperature due to N-Type Magnetization in Basalt
(Schult, A.)
Further Utilization of the Fluxgate Magnetometer in the Palaeomagnetic Laboratory
(Hummervoll, R.)
Note on the Reliability of Subjective Processing of Geomagnetic Pulsation-Records in the Range Pc 2–Pc 5
(Korschunow, A.)
Die Gesteinsradioaktivität und ihr Einfluß auf das Temperaturfeld in der kontinentalen Kruste
(Rybach, L.)
A Lithospheric Seismic Profile in Britain
(Kaminski, W., Bamford, D., Faber, S., Jacob, B., Nunn, K., Prodehl, C.)
Rayleigh Channel Waves for the In-Seam Seismic Detection of Discontinuities
(Dresen, L., Freystätter, S.)
Ultrasonic Modelling of a Moving Source
(Behle, A., Rohde, J.)
Propagation of Love-Type Waves in Heterogeneous Elastic Layers
(Biswas, A.)
Representation and Interpretation of Resistivity Mapping Data in Groundwater Prospecting in Zambia
(Töpfer, K. D.)
The Iranian Long Period Array (ILPA)
(Akasheh, B., Eshghi, I., Soltanian, R.)
Appearance of the Atmospheric Scatter Field during a Solar Eclipse
(Gerharz, R.)
Technique for Simultaneous Observation of Gravity and Vertical Gradient Data
(Thyssen-Bornemisza, S.)
Modern Standards for Gravity Surveys
(Morelli, C.)
Book Reviews
(Schick, R., Rummel, F.)
Tunneling of Low-Frequency Waves through the Subcrustal Lithosphere
(Fuchs, K., Schulz, K.)
Computation of Reflection Coefficients for Layered Media
(Kind, R.)
The Seismic Broadband Recording and Data Processing System FBV/DPS and Its Seismological Applications
(Plešinger, A., Horálek, J.)
Intermediate Aseismicity of the Andean Subduction Zone and Recent Andesitic Volcanism
(Hanuš, V., Vaněk, J.)
Provisional Seismicity Map of the Republic of Zambia and Its Preliminary Interpretation
(Töpfer, K. D.)
Goethermal Models of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of the Fennoscandian Shield on South Norway and the Danish Embayment
(Balling, N. P.)
Spatial Characteristics of Giant Pulsations
(Hillebrand, O.)
Latitude-Dependent Waves and Impulse-Produced Waves
(Lanzerotti, L. J., Hasegawa, A.)
Study of the Spatial Variation of the Magnetic Field Intensity on North-South Profiles in Iran in Comparison with the IGRF Model of 1970
(Guya, N. H.)
Seismische Oberflächenwellen
(Seidl, D., Müller, S.)
Crustal Structure of the Central Aegean Sea and the Island of Evia and Crete, Greece, Obtained by Refractional Seismic Experiments
(Makris, J., Vees, R.)
Fault-Plane Solution of the Earthquake in Northern Italy, 6 May 1976, and Implications for the Tectonics of the Eastern Alps
(Müller, G.)
Pseudo-Single-Domain Effects and Single-Domain Multidomain Transition in Natural Pyrrhotite Deduced from Domain Structure Observations
(Soffel, H.)
The Diurnal Variation of the Electron Density of the Mid-Latitude Ionospheric D-Region Deduced from VLF-Measurements
(Schäfer, J.)
A Detailed Investigation of the Canadian Cordillera Geomagnetic Transition Anomaly
(Dragert, H., Clarke, G. K. C.)
Magnetotelluric Investigation of a Nearly Circular Saltdome in North Germany
(Breymann, U.)
Comments on: Postulated Rotation of Corsica not Confirmed by New Palaeomagnetic Data
(Westphal, M.)
(Storetvedt, K. M., Petersen, N.)
Structure of Lunar Impact Craters from Gravity Models
(Janle, P.)
A Refined Crustal Model and the Isostatic State of the Scandinavian Blue Road Area
(Goldflam, St., Hirschleber, H. B., Janler, P.)
Earth-Flattening Approximation for Body Waves Derived from Geometric Ray Theory – Improvements, Corrections and Range of Applicability
(Müller, G.)
On the Variation of Kp at Sector Boundaries
(Schreiber, H.)
Probleme bei der Untersuchung von räumlich und zeitlich veränderlichen Medien, dargestellt am Beispiel der Ionosphäre
(Dieminger, W., Hartmann, G. K.)
Heat Flow Map of the Bohemian Massif
(Čermák, V.)
Palaeomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Investigations of Tertiary Volcanics in Northern Bavaria
(Pohl, J., Soffel, H.)
Palaeomagnetism of Upper Jurassic Limestones from Southern Germany
(Heller, F.)
The Maximum Entropy Approach to Inverse Problems
(Rietsch, E.)
Electromagnetic Scale Model Experiments for the Coastline Effect of Geomagnetic Variations
(Spitta, P.)
Model Studies on Redox Logging for Minerals
(Roy, K. K., Baksi, S. S.)
Modelling of the Ionosphere and Comparison of the Calculated and Observed Cosmic Radio Noise Absorption over Delhi
(Sharma, M. C., Sarma, S. B. S. S.)
Winter Anomaly in VHF Absorption Studies over Delhi
(Sarma, S. B. S. S., Sharma, M. C.)
In Memoriam Hermann Reich
(Closs, H.)
Plasma Disturbances Caused by Helios in the Solar Wind Seiten 581-582 fehlen
(Isensee, U.)
Radial Variation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Between 0.3 AU and 1.0 AU
(Musmann, G., Neubauer, F. M.)
Initial Results from the Helios-1 Search-Coil Magnetometer Experiment
(Neubauer, F.M., Beinroth, H. J., Barnstorf, H., Dehmel, G.)
Cosmic Ray Measurements on Board Helios 1 from December 1974 to September 1975: Quiet Time Spectra, Radial Gradients, and Solar Events
(Kunow, H., Witte, M., Wibberenz, G., Hempre, H., Mueller-Mellin, R., Green, G., Iwers, B., Fuckner, J.)
A Survey on Measurements of Medium Energy Protons and Electrons Obtained with the Particle Spectrometer E8 on Board of Helios
(Keppler, E., Richter, A. K., Richter, K., Umlauft, G., Wilken, B., Williams, D. J.)
Interaction of Low-Energy (>80 keV) Protons with the January 6 and 8, 1975, Shock Waves: Helios-1 Observations
(Richter, A. K., Keppler, E.)
Helios-1 Faraday Rotation Experiment: Results and Interpretations of the Solar Occultations in 1975
(Volland, H., Bird, M. K.)
Time Delay Occultation Data of the Helios Spacecrafts and Preliminary Analysis for Probing the Solar Corona
(Edenhofer, P., Esposito, P. B., Hansen, R. T., Hansen, S. F., Lüneburg, E., Martin, W. L., Zygielbaum, A. I.)
Observatons of Zodiacal Light from Helios 1 and 2
(Leinert, C., Pitz, E., Hanner, M., Link, H.)
Interpretation of the Optical Properties of Interplanetary Dust
(Giese, R. H.)
Micrometeoroid Data from the First Two Orbits of Helios 1
(Grün, E., Fechtig, H., Kissel, J., Gammelin, P.)
Dynamical Effects on Circumsolar Dust Grains
(Schwehm, G., Rohde, M.)
Micrometeoroid Orbits Observable by the Helios Micrometeoroid Detector (E 10)
(Schmidt, K. D.)
(Kremser, G., Riedler, W., Kirsch, E.)
(Dose, V., Schmocker, U., Sele, G.)
(Schleusener, A., Torge, W., Drewes, H.)
(Markert, H., Heller, F., Steigenberger, N.)
(Storetvedt, K. M., Petersen, N.)
(Roeser, H. A.)
(Schult, A.)
(Hummervoll, R.)
(Korschunow, A.)
(Rybach, L.)
(Kaminski, W., Bamford, D., Faber, S., Jacob, B., Nunn, K., Prodehl, C.)
(Dresen, L., Freystätter, S.)
(Behle, A., Rohde, J.)
(Biswas, A.)
(Töpfer, K. D.)
(Akasheh, B., Eshghi, I., Soltanian, R.)
(Gerharz, R.)
(Thyssen-Bornemisza, S.)
(Morelli, C.)
(Schick, R., Rummel, F.)
(Fuchs, K., Schulz, K.)
(Kind, R.)
(Plešinger, A., Horálek, J.)
(Hanuš, V., Vaněk, J.)
(Töpfer, K. D.)
(Balling, N. P.)
(Hillebrand, O.)
(Lanzerotti, L. J., Hasegawa, A.)
(Guya, N. H.)
(Seidl, D., Müller, S.)
(Makris, J., Vees, R.)
(Müller, G.)
(Soffel, H.)
(Schäfer, J.)
(Dragert, H., Clarke, G. K. C.)
(Breymann, U.)
(Westphal, M.)
(Storetvedt, K. M., Petersen, N.)
(Janle, P.)
(Goldflam, St., Hirschleber, H. B., Janler, P.)
(Müller, G.)
(Schreiber, H.)
(Dieminger, W., Hartmann, G. K.)
(Čermák, V.)
(Pohl, J., Soffel, H.)
(Heller, F.)
(Rietsch, E.)
(Spitta, P.)
(Roy, K. K., Baksi, S. S.)
(Sharma, M. C., Sarma, S. B. S. S.)
(Sarma, S. B. S. S., Sharma, M. C.)
(Closs, H.)
(Isensee, U.)
(Musmann, G., Neubauer, F. M.)
(Neubauer, F.M., Beinroth, H. J., Barnstorf, H., Dehmel, G.)
(Kunow, H., Witte, M., Wibberenz, G., Hempre, H., Mueller-Mellin, R., Green, G., Iwers, B., Fuckner, J.)
(Keppler, E., Richter, A. K., Richter, K., Umlauft, G., Wilken, B., Williams, D. J.)
(Richter, A. K., Keppler, E.)
(Volland, H., Bird, M. K.)
(Edenhofer, P., Esposito, P. B., Hansen, R. T., Hansen, S. F., Lüneburg, E., Martin, W. L., Zygielbaum, A. I.)
(Leinert, C., Pitz, E., Hanner, M., Link, H.)
(Giese, R. H.)
(Grün, E., Fechtig, H., Kissel, J., Gammelin, P.)
(Schwehm, G., Rohde, M.)
(Schmidt, K. D.)